Tuesday, August 16, 2005

cleaning the old office

Believe it or not, I'm in the process of cleaning up the office. Honestly, I can safely say what others are probably saying: "It's about time." I found student papers stashed away in a box from 1999. GOOD GRIEF.

The girls are doing great. In fact it seems that Emily enjoyed day 2 just as much if not a little more than day 1. Her teacher is awesome. In fact, her teacher and I went to high school together. She's a little younger, but it's something I brag about way too much. I just think that I've known every caregiver/teacher that Emily has had since she was 6 weeks old!

We got an e-mail today from a friend who had surgery two weeks ago to have her thyroid removed. The initial samples were clear but they sent off some stuff to the Mayo clinic and it came back as 'cancer'. Man, I hate that. But, the good thing is they got rid of the thyroid and it looks like that's all they will need to do. Unfortunately, it brings back alot of emotions and I really wish that God would eradicate cancer. Just get rid of it altogether. Banish it from earth. Thump it out into the universe.

It's back to the final office cleaning tomorrow morning and then I'm going to try and get a manuscript out to a journal. Then...believe it or not, I'll start teaching Monday -- it's the week before classes officially start, but it's the IS 1100 class that meets the week before school starts.

Am I ready....heh, heh, heh.... :)

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