Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blah Blah Blogs

As we continue to read Joel Postman's SocialCorps in the social media class, it is amazing to think about the lack of a social media strategy for ALOT of companies -- including firms that specialize in marketing and advertising. That being said, it almost isn't fair to criticize companies for not having a long-term strategy ready to go; however, after all of the strategic planning that has gone on in the corporate environment for the past 15 years, it's hard to believe that firms and organizations just can't get goals and objectives outlined.

Recent statistics published by the Pew Internet and American Life Project in January 2009(kind of makes you re-think 'recent') indicated that 75% of 18-24 year olds have a profile on a social network site. As age increases, the percentage decreases to almost no profiles for those 65+. According to statistics found at Facebook show dramatic increases in the number of Facebook users since January (increased to 200 million....and counting). Twitter has experienced an explosion since the first of the year.

All of these studies point to social media jumping through the diffusion curve and looking forward at all the companies who are missing the boat. There is still time....just make sure you use strategy > have a mission, goals and objectives for your social media plan. It might even mean that you allocate an employee to tackle your company's social media presence. (By the way, that doesn't mean to add responsibility to an 8 to 5 "techie"...it really means to pay them to do their job which would include developing social media for your organization. Just like you wouldn't give a video camera and expect your accountant to produce a television commercial, you shouldn't just tell your public relations director to blog and experience ROI. If that is the case, you get what you deserve.

Wow, what a mood. Better sign off for now...

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