Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's been a while....

It's been a while since the last post. Actually, I don't feel too terribly bad because I've talked to a few others who have done the same -- and not posted. In fact, one of my favorite bloggers is snippets (

I just watched a segment on the Today show about a breast cancer survivor -- probably not the most appropriate term, but I consider myself a survivor, and I haven't even reached the 1 year mark yet. But I am and I think she is too. Her name is Kelly Corrigan. She has a website called Circus of Cancer -- ( I was particularly interested in reading her section about recurrence anxiety -- which I seem to be obsessed with lately. I talked to a prostate cancer survivor a few months ago and asked: do you ever 'not' think about it. I guess I'm not alone because his response was 'no'.

What a great day -- it's cool and rainy in the Hub! Could be interesting weather for the Joe Ely concert tonight. But it could be fun.......